What to do with that old laptop computer

Most of us have them sitting in a corner taking up space; those old laptops that are running unsupported operating systems, that have become too old and slow, and no longer capable of running the newer operating systems. Well now you can repurpose them into a Linux laptop and get some more use out of them, or make them a more attractive hand-me-down for somebody else. ZDNET will tell you how to do it in their article here.

Sitting, the new smoking

Experts are saying that sitting (which we do while using our computing devices) is becoming a new health hazard similar to smoking. Like many others I now use a standing desk as a healthier alternative, as I often spend many hours at the keyboard doing computer support or video editing. The MakeUseOf guys have just published a bunch of exercises you can do at your standing desk to help keep your legs and body active. Read the article here.

Wi-Fi 7 is coming – what is it?

In the 20+ years since the introduction of the technology, Wi-Fi 6 is the most recent incarnation, released back in 2020 with a maximum bandwidth of 9.6 Gbps. The upcoming Wi-Fi 7 is expected to increase this speed to be at least 3 times as fast. Laptop Mag has written a history of Wi-Fi and discusses the advantages of the upcoming new version, read it here.

Do I need to defrag my SSD?

We used to need to frequently defrag our computer’s old hard disks to maintain their performance. WIth newer computers now being delivered with Solid State (SSD) Drive’s, do we still need to defrag these new drives? MakeUseOf.com explains all in their article here.