What is Malvertising?

Searching for items online can now expose you to malicious ads via malvertising. What is it, and how can it create a whole world of pain for you? Read Malwarebytes article here to discover more.

Need help Brainstorming?

In the corporate world, brainstorming is a great way for many people to work on a problem. However getting the right people involved or tackling an issue by yourself can be a challenge. AI to the rescue. Inc.Australia have just published an article discussing how ChatGPT can be an extremely useful tool to help you brainstorm. Check it out here.

Why you should delete TikTok

Having worked in the IT industry for over 40 years, I’ve always thought that technology was for good and made everyone’s lives better. However, when social media became fashionable, I was highly skeptical. I have since seen just how destructive to society it has become and am glad I never got tempted to join the band wagon. The MakeUseOf guys have published an article about TikTok recommending we should all delete our accounts today. Find out why here.

Using Google Maps when there is no cell phone reception

Google Maps is a great app for finding your way around and getting directions in unfamiliar territory; however it simply doesn’t work if you have no connection to the Internet. CNET have just published an article explaining how you can download maps in advance, so that you can use them offine. Read their very useful tip here.

Want to talk to your computer?

The MakeUseOf.com guys have just written an article explaining how you can use a new free AI program from OpenAI called Whisper to take your spoken speech and turn it into a text file. It will even translate a foreign language to English while transcribing it into a text file. Find out more; how to install and use in their article here.

ChatGPT tutorials

I’ve referred to ChatGPT before, and it has now become the fastest growing App of all time (see MakeUseOf.com’s article here). This is a disruptive new AI chatbot technology from Elon Musk’s Open AI. There are now a growing number of video tutorials available on YouTube that will show you how to set up, use, and then exploit this technology. Here’s a good crash course on ChatGPT I saw today to help get you started.

13 money making opportunities using AI

A new AI chatbot called ChatGPT from Open AI, co-founded by Elon Musk, is taking the world by storm, by being able to engage in real conversations and respond with human-like text. Niche Pursuits have just published an article suggesting a number of ways of exploiting this technology to make money. Read more here.