Mavic Pilot Forums

A great resource for DJI Mavic (and DJI Air) pilots needing to cooperate with other users to discuss and solve problems can be found at the Mavic Pilots forum site. I’ve found it very useful to explore ideas with and ask questions of other more experienced operators. Everyone is very helpful. Hop across there and sign up as a new member now!!

Add Attitude (ATTI) Mode to the DJI Mavic 2 using a Hack

Paul Aitken of Drone U recently published a way to hack the DJI Mavic to acquire Attitude flight (ATTI) mode for buttery smooth flight movements! ATTI mode is not one of the 3 out-of-the-box flight modes selectable from the Mavic controller’s Mode switch. I have enhanced Paul’s information and added some examples to clarify some of his instructions to show how you can replace one of those 3 flight modes with ATTI mode. You can download that updated information here. It works, I’ve tried it.